Wellness is the Absence of Disease

Jackson Hole, Wyoming, United States
Simple Health Tips 4 U

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Services To enhance your Health Experience


Aqua Detox Foot Spa System

The Revolutionary Way to Detoxify, Re-balance & Re-energize Your Body. The Aqua Detox System produces an ion charge which stimulates the cells within your body to eliminate toxins through over 4000 pores in your feet. Following a treatment, the body will continue to detox for up to the next 48 hours. Most people who have tried the Aqua Detox system feel more energized, or more relaxed.  

Sit Back…Relax…Put your feet in the Water. ​



Bio-Electrical Impedance Analysis

The RJL Bio-electrical Impedance Analysis is a unique solution to lifestyle planning. The BIA is a safe, reliable way to measure key body composition elements for an accurate and powerful window into your overall health. It measures elements such as: fat mass, free fat mass, lean dry mass, intra and extracellular water, BMR and DEE. Scale weight alone does not provide enough information to help create a customized healthy weight management program for you. The BIA is ideal for monitoring and recording changes in your body composition. It is quick, painless and noninvasive, using four electrodes placed on the and easily repeatable to chart your progress towards personal goals.



Cardio BPro

The BPro Cardio Pulse-Wave is a revolutionary device that offers the most advanced technology in the cardio health screening market today.  The watch-like device, known as the BPro, is placed on the patient’s wrist and accurately measures the Central Aortic Systolic Pressure (CASP) and the elasticity of large, small and peripheral arteries as well as tests the heart stress, heart rate and more.  The screening is non-invasive, pain free and takes about 20-30 minutes.  



 A Zyto Scan takes the guess work out of Choosing the correct nutritionals

Improving wellness through Biocommunication.  Getting a Zyto biocommunication scan is a simple and painless process.  Simply place your hand on the Zyto hand cradle. While a scan is running, subtle energetic impulses (stimuli) are introduced to your body.  The scan then records how your body is responding negatively or positively to these impulses  such as chemicals, foods, and nutritional supplements.  This valuable information takes much of the guess work out of the equation regarding supplements and healthcare alternative services. Individual can then make better  decisions about their overall health and wellness.  Is it safe?  Yes, there are no contraindications for properly administered Zyto scanning.  It is safe for infants, children, and adults of all ages, including people with pacemakers and pregnant women. Now is the time to schedule an appointment for a Zyto scan and take charge of your health!   It is important to note that Zyto scans are not intended to treat or diagnose. 



ZRT Laboratory Testing Kits

Zrt is a CLA certified diagnostic laboratory and the leader in hormone and wellness testing.  They provide accurate and meaningful test results that assist health care providers in making informed treatment decisions.  The kits are easy to use in the comfort of you home and affordable.


Scenar Therapy

The RiTMSCENAR is an advanced form of electrotherapy and is the first electrotherapeutic device in the world that works on the principles of a real time biological feedback between the device and the body.  The SCENAR therapy functions on two principles: that the body has its own healing capabilities and that it is continually employing processes of self-regulation to maintain health.  The Scenar uses unique two-phase bipolar impulses which are similar to the body’s own neurological impulses.  It is an advanced form of interactive neurostimulation proven to provide non-invasive pain relief.  The Scenar was developed by the Russian space program to keep their cosmonauts healthy and pain-free while in space.  You can experience it too.  People with pacemakers CANNOT have Scenar treatments. 

                                       Non-invasive *  Non-surgical  * Non-pharmaceutical. 

                                           A non-invasive alternative for pain relief.

RiTMSCENAR electrotherapy device uses two-phase bipolar impulses to provide non-invasive pain relief

RiTMSCENAR electrotherapy device uses two-phase bipolar impulses to provide non-invasive pain relief


Health and Hormone Consultations

Dr. Melka provides personal health, hormone or supplement consultations in person or by phone/Skype. During a consult past medical history, lab results, etc are addressed and also mind body spirit as these can be the cause or trigger of your concerns or health issues. 

years of clinical experience and compassion.

Dr. Melka also offers medication reviews.

wellness consultations
hormone consultation

wellness consultations hormone consultation


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and/or services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.